AR TutorialKit: an Augmented Reality Toolkit to Create Tutorials

Joint Proceedings of the Workshops, Work in Progress Demos and Doctoral Consortium at the IS-EUD 2023 co-located with the 9th International Symposium on End-User Development (IS-EUD 2023), Cagliari, Italy, June 6-8, 2023
Federico Meloni
Federico Meloni
PhD Student

My research interests include Computer Graphics, Geometry Processing and Human-Computer Interaction.

Vittoria Frau
Vittoria Frau
Post-doc Researcher

My research interests include eXtended Reality, eXplainable AI and Human-Computer Interaction.

Lucio Davide Spano
Lucio Davide Spano
Associate Professor

My research interests include eXtended Reality, eXplainable AI and Human-Computer Interaction.