EICS 2024 in Cagliari

We are happy to announce that the CG3HCI lab will organize the next edition of the EICS conference in Cagliari.

Davide Spano announced this exciting news during the closing of EICS 2023 at Swansea. EICS is the ACM SIGCHI conference devoted to engineering interactive computing systems and their user interfaces, addressing one or more software quality factors, such as usability, user experience, reliability, security etc.

The organizing team is currently under construction. Still, we identified some key roles, such as the General Chairs (Davide Spano and Michael Nebeling) and the Full Paper Chairs (Carmen Santoro and Anke Dittmar). Please refer to the EICS 2024 website for the latest news on the conference.

Lucio Davide Spano
Lucio Davide Spano
Associate Professor

My research interests include eXtended Reality, eXplainable AI and Human-Computer Interaction.