The FIATLUCS (Favorire l’Inclusione e l’Accessibilità per i Trasferimenti Locali Urbani a Cagliari e Sobborghi) project aims to improve accessibility for disabled individuals in urban areas of Cagliari and its suburbs.

Gianmarco Cherchi leads the project, which involves Prof. Riccardo Scateni and Prof. Davide Spano as researchers and task leaders. The project is a collaborative effort with many other department researchers and is expected to continue until September 2025.

The proposal was funded by the PNRR RAISE Liguria, Spoke 01.


The project presented is developed along three lines of activity, all within the scope of the objectives set out in Spoke 1 of the RAISE ecosystem. In two of the lines of activity, the project focuses on developing tools to facilitate the mobility of people with physical and cognitive disabilities in urban environments and within complex buildings such as hospitals. The spirit of these two lines, although with different technological declinations, is similar and will use the experience of the research group in a series of areas ranging from modeling to statistical analysis, from skills in classification and optimization to the ability to design user interfaces to develop software applications that will be tested first with groups of selected users and, in the last months of the project, released for use by a general user base. Another line of activity aims to reduce the danger in pedestrian circulation within the urban area, safeguarding pedestrians with reduced motor skills and those involved in newborn care activities. It should be emphasized that the project involves a majority of young researchers and promotes gender balance in activities. An almost equal number of male and female researchers are present in the project group. The development of the applications that will demonstrate the quality of the solutions identified within the project will be carried out in collaboration with external subjects with specific expertise, especially in the creation of tools for monitoring road traffic safety.

Gianmarco Cherchi
Gianmarco Cherchi
Assistant Professor (T.T.)

My research interests include Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing.