A Seamless Pipeline for the Acquisition of the Body Shape: the Virtuoso Case Study

Italian Chapter Conference 2017 - Smart Tools and Apps in computer Graphics, STAG 2017, Catania, Italy, September 11-12, 2017
Gianmarco Cherchi
Gianmarco Cherchi
Assistant Professor

My research interests include Geometry Processing and Computer Graphics.

Alessandro Carcangiu
Alessandro Carcangiu
Post-doc Researcher

My research interests include eXtended Reality, Gesture Interaction and Human-Computer Interaction.

Lucio Davide Spano
Lucio Davide Spano
Associate Professor

My research interests include eXtended Reality, eXplainable AI and Human-Computer Interaction.

Riccardo Scateni
Riccardo Scateni
Full Professor

My research interests include geometry processing and computer graphics.