Programming 1 (PR1)
Computer Science Bachelor’s Degree
Knowledge and understanding:
- Understanding what programming a computer means
- Know the taxonomy of the programming languages and understand why they are necessary for interacting with a computer
- Know which are the tools used for programming
- Understand which are the effects of the statements regarding syntax and semantics
Applying knowledge and understanding:
- Solve exercises on the courses’ subjects
- Read C programs of small complexity and understand why they are as such based on the code itself and the associated comments
- Design small C applications starting from the guidelines or building over existing code
Making judgments
- Develop independently, for the design and implementation choices, the final project from the specifications provided
Communication skills
- Being able to present the project at the end of the course by discussing the design and implementation choices
Learning skills
- Being able to identify, within the teacher’s handouts and the textbook, the topics covered during the course even during the tests
Additional Information
- Teachers: Riccardo Scateni, Fabio Sorrentino