Welcome to the CG3HCI Lab Website

We are a Computer Graphics (CG) and Human Computer Interaction (HCI) lab at the University of Cagliari. Our research focuses on Geometry Processing, eXtended Reality and eXplainable Artificial Intelligence.

Latest News

Our Research Group at STAG 2024 in Verona

Some members of our research group participated in the Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics 2024 conference held in Verona. We presented a paper titled “To What Extent Are Existing Volume Mapping Algorithms Practically Useful?”, authored by Federico, Gianmarco, Riccardo, and Marco. The presentation generated interest and discussions among the attendees.

Marco Livesu has been promoted Senior Researcher at CNR

Today Marco Livesu has been promoted Senior Researcher at CNR.

DAMOCLES project meeting in Bari
Davide and Federico participated in the DAMOCLES project meeting in Bari, hosted at the University of Bari by the IVU lab. The meeting was highly productive, we shared the results with the other research unities and paved the way for further research in collaboration.
Davide Spano co-teaches the HCI course at the University of Primorska
Davide Spano is visiting the University of Primorska to contribute to the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) course at the bachelor’s degree level by giving the lectures. This is the result of an active collaboration with the HICUP lab, where he was graciously hosted by prof.
New positions in our lab!

Today, Gianmarco Cherchi has signed the contract for the Tenure-Track Assistant Professor position at our University, while Michele Faedda and Matteo Mocci joined our group as new Ph.D. students.